Sabtu, 02 Mei 2015

Jurnal Bekam

To search for an effective method for treatment of ankylosing spondylitis (AS).
The treatment group (n = 32) were treated by acupuncture combined with cupping therapy and the control group (n = 30) by simple acupuncture for 40 days.
The clinical remission rate was 62.5% in the treatment group and 33.3% in the control group with a significant difference between the two groups (P<0.01); the total effective rate in the treatment group was 93.8% which was better than 83.3% in the control group (P<0.01); the recurrence rate after one year was 3.3% in the treatment group and 24.0% in the control group with significant difference between the two groups (P<0.01).
Acupuncture combined with cupping therapy in the therapeutic effect on ankylosing spondylitis is better than simple acupuncture, with shorter therapeutic course and lower recurrence rate.
[PubMed - in process]

Immanuel Hospital Berlin, Department of Internal and Complementary Medicine, Berlin, Germany.
We investigated the effectiveness of cupping, a traditional method of treating musculoskeletal pain, in patients with carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) in an open randomized trial. n = 52 outpatients (58.5 +/- 8.0 years) with neurologically confirmed CTS were randomly assigned to either a verum (n = 26) or a control group (n = 26). Verum patients were treated with a single application of wet cupping, and control patients with a single local application of heat within the region overlying the trapezius muscle. Patients were followed up on day 7 after treatment. The primary outcome, severity of CTS symptoms (VAS), was reduced from 61.5 +/- 20.5 to 24.6 +/- 22.7 mm at day 7 in the cupping group and from 67.1 +/- 20.2 to 51.7 +/- 23.9 mm in the control group [group difference -24.5mm (95%CI -36.1; -2.9, P < .001)]. Significant treatment effects were also found for the Levine CTS-score (-.6 pts: 95%CI -.9; -.2, P = .002), neck pain (-12.6mm; 95%CI -18.8; -6.4, P < .001), functional disability (DASH-Score) (-11.1 pts; 95%CI -17.1; -5.1, P < .001), and physical quality of life (.3; 95%CI .0; .3, P = .048). The treatment was safe and well tolerated. We conclude that cupping therapy may be effective in relieving the pain and other symptoms related to CTS. The efficacy of cupping in the long-term management of CTS and related mechanisms remains to be clarified. PERSPECTIVE: The results of a randomized trial on the clinical effects of traditional cupping therapy in patients with carpal tunnel syndrome are presented. Cupping of segmentally related shoulder zones appears to alleviate the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome.
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[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Latar belakang

Cupping therapy belongs to traditional Chinese medicine, the heritage from several thousand years. Terapi Bekam milik pengobatan Cina tradisional, warisan dari beberapa ribu tahun. It is used with one of several kinds of cups, such as bamboo cups, glasses or earthen cups, placing them on the desired acupoints on patients' skin, to make the local place hyperemia or haemostasis, which can obtain the purpose of curing the diseases Hal ini digunakan dengan salah satu dari beberapa jenis cangkir, seperti cangkir bambu, gelas atau cangkir tanah, menempatkan mereka pada acupoints diinginkan pada kulit pasien, untuk membuat hiperemi tempat lokal atau hemostasis, yang dapat memperoleh tujuan penyembuhan penyakit [ 1 ]. [ 1 ]. The earliest records of cupping is in Bo Shu (an ancient book written on silk), which was discovered in an ancient tomb of the Han Dynasty in 1973 Catatan awal cupping adalah Bo Shu (sebuah buku kuno yang ditulis pada sutra), yang ditemukan di sebuah makam kuno dari Dinasti Han pada tahun 1973 [ 2 ]. [ 2 ]. Some therapeutic cupping methods and case records of treatment were also described in early Chinese books. Beberapa metode bekam terapi dan catatan hal perawatan juga dijelaskan dalam buku-buku Cina awal. Zhao Xueming, a Chinese doctor practicing more than 200 years ago, completed a book named " Ben Cao Gang Mu Shi Yi ", in which he described in detail the history and origin of different kinds of cupping and cup shapes, functions and applications Zhao Xueming, seorang dokter Cina berlatih lebih dari 200 tahun yang lalu, menyelesaikan sebuah buku bernama "Ben Cao Gang Mu Yi Shi", di mana ia dijelaskan secara rinci sejarah dan asal usul berbagai jenis cangkir kop dan fungsi bentuk, dan aplikasi [ 3 ]. [ 3 ].
There are seven major types of cupping practice in China. Ada tujuh jenis utama cupping praktek di Cina. Usually, cupping practitioners utilize the flaming heating power to achieve suction (minus pressure) inside the cups to make them apply on the desired part of the body. Biasanya, cupping praktisi memanfaatkan kekuatan pemanasan berapi untuk mencapai hisap (tekanan minus) di dalam cangkir untuk membuat mereka menerapkan pada bagian yang diinginkan dari tubuh. This basic suction method of cupping therapy is called retained cupping, which is most commonly used in Chinese clinics as the first type of cupping. Metode hisap dasar terapi cupping disebut cupping ditahan, yang paling umum digunakan di klinik Cina sebagai jenis pertama cupping. Besides this kind of suction, different types of cupping composed with different methods. Selain semacam ini hisap, berbagai jenis cupping terdiri dengan metode yang berbeda. The second type of cupping is bleeding cupping (or wet cupping), which contains two steps: before the suction of the cups, practitioners should make some small incisions with a triangle-edged needle or plum-blossom needle firmly tapping the acupoint for a short time to cause bleeding; the third one is moving cupping, which practitioners should control the suction by gently moving the cup toward one direction; then is empty cupping, which means the cups are removed after suction without delay; or needle cupping, which should apply the acupuncture first, then apply the cups over the needle. Jenis kedua cupping adalah pendarahan cupping (atau bekam basah), yang berisi dua langkah: sebelum hisap dari cangkir, praktisi harus membuat beberapa sayatan kecil dengan jarum segitiga bermata atau jarum plum-mekar tegas menekan Acupoint untuk singkat waktu untuk menyebabkan perdarahan, yang ketiga adalah bergerak cupping, yang praktisi harus mengontrol hisap dengan lembut memindahkan cangkir menuju satu arah, kemudian cupping kosong, yang berarti cangkir dikeluarkan setelah hisap tanpa penundaan, atau cupping jarum, yang harus berlaku akupunktur pertama, kemudian menerapkan cangkir di atas jarum. Cupping practitioners may also used other methods of suction, such as medicinal (herbal) cupping, which used bamboo cups, usually put the cups and herbal into a deep pan with water and boiled them together, after 30 minutes apply the cup suction on specific points according to steam instead of fire; or water cupping which is a technique involves filling a glass or bamboo cup one-third full with warm water and pursuing the cupping process in a rather quick fashion. Bekam praktisi juga dapat menggunakan metode lain hisap, seperti obat (herbal) cupping, cangkir bambu yang digunakan, biasanya meletakkan cangkir dan herbal ke dalam panci dengan air dan direbus mereka bersama-sama, setelah 30 menit menerapkan hisap cangkir pada titik-titik tertentu sesuai dengan uap, bukan api, atau cupping air yang melibatkan teknik mengisi cangkir gelas atau bambu sepertiga penuh dengan air hangat dan mengejar proses cupping dalam mode agak cepat. Each kind of cupping therapy may be used for different diseases or different purposes of treatment. Setiap jenis terapi cupping dapat digunakan untuk penyakit yang berbeda atau tujuan yang berbeda pengobatan.
Because cupping is widely used in Chinese folklore culture, the technique has been inherited by the modern Chinese practitioners. Karena cupping banyak digunakan dalam budaya cerita rakyat Cina, teknik ini telah diwarisi oleh para praktisi Cina modern. In the 1950s the clinical efficacy of cupping was confirmed by Co-Research of China and acupuncturists from the former Soviet Union, and was established as an official therapeutic practice in hospitals all over China Pada 1950-an kemanjuran klinis dari cupping dikonfirmasi oleh Co-Penelitian akupunktur dari Cina dan Uni Soviet, dan didirikan sebagai praktek terapi resmi di rumah sakit di seluruh China [ 4 ]. [ 4 ]. This issue substantially stimulated the development of further cupping research. Masalah ini secara substansial mendorong pengembangan penelitian cupping lebih lanjut.
In the context of evidence-based medicine (EBM), we need to evaluate therapeutic effect of cupping therapy to inform the practice heritage from ancient time. Dalam konteks kedokteran berbasis bukti (MBE), kita perlu mengevaluasi efek terapeutik cupping terapi untuk menginformasikan warisan praktek dari waktu kuno.

Methods Metode

Inclusion Criteria Kriteria Inklusi

Any type of clinical studies including randomized controlled trials (RCTs), clinical controlled trials (CCTs), case series (CSs), and case reports (CRs) indentifying the therapeutic effect of cupping therapy, including one or more than two types of cupping methods, compared with no treatment, placebo or conventional medication were included. Setiap jenis studi klinis termasuk uji coba terkontrol acak (RCT), uji klinis terkontrol (TTB), seri kasus (CSS), dan laporan kasus (CR) mengidentifikasi pengaruh terapi bekam terapi, termasuk satu atau lebih dari dua jenis metode cupping , dibandingkan dengan tanpa plasebo, perawatan atau pengobatan konvensional dimasukkan. Combined therapy with cupping and other interventions compared with other interventions alone were also included. Kombinasi terapi dengan intervensi kop dan lainnya dibandingkan dengan intervensi lainnya saja juga disertakan. Cupping therapy combined with other TCM therapies (including acupuncture) compared with non-TCM therapies were excluded. Bekam terapi kombinasi dengan terapi TCM lainnya (termasuk akupunktur) dibandingkan dengan terapi non-TCM telah dikecualikan. There was no limitation on language and publication type. Tidak ada batasan pada bahasa dan jenis publikasi. Multiple publications reporting the same data of patients were excluded. Beberapa publikasi melaporkan data yang sama dari pasien dikeluarkan.

Identification and selection of studies Identifikasi dan pemilihan studi

We searched China Network Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI) (1911-1978, 1979-2008), Chinese Scientific Journal Database VIP (1989-2008), Wan Fang Database (1985-2008), Chinese Biomedicine (CBM) (1978-2008), PubMed (1966-2008) and the Cochrane Library (Issue 4, 2008), all the searches ended at December 2008. Kami mencari Cina Pengetahuan Jaringan Infrastruktur (CNKI) (1911-1978, 1979-2008), Cina Database Jurnal Ilmiah VIP (1989-2008), Wan Fang Database (1985-2008), Cina Biomedik (CBM) (1978-2008), PubMed (1966-2008) dan Cochrane Library (Issue 4, 2008), semua pencarian berakhir pada Desember 2008. The search terms included "cupping therapy", "bleeding cupping", "wet cupping", "dry cupping", "flash cupping", "herbal cupping", "moving cupping" or "retained cupping". Istilah pencarian termasuk "terapi bekam", "berdarah cupping", "cupping basah", "cupping kering", "flash cupping", "cupping herbal", "bergerak cupping" atau "ditahan cupping". Four authors (SJ Dong, YM Shang, Q Wang, and S Xu) were involved in study identifying and each of them selected one fourth of the studies for eligibility and checked against the inclusion criteria independently, they all cross checked the results with other authors. Empat penulis (SJ Dong, YM Shang, Q Wang, dan S Xu) terlibat dalam penelitian mengidentifikasi dan masing-masing dipilih seperempat dari studi untuk kelayakan dan diperiksa terhadap kriteria inklusi independen, mereka semua cross cek hasilnya dengan penulis lain .

Data extraction and quality assessment Ekstraksi data dan penilaian kualitas

Four authors (SJ Dong, YM Shang, Q Wang, and S Xu) extracted the data from the included trials independently, and each of them was in charge with one fourth of the included trials. Empat penulis (SJ Dong, YM Shang, Q Wang, dan S Xu) diekstraksi data dari percobaan termasuk independen, dan masing-masing bertanggung jawab dengan seperempat dari pengadilan disertakan. Another author (HJ Cao) checked the data and did the summary of their results. Penulis lain (HJ Cao) memeriksa data dan melakukan ringkasan hasil mereka. The extracted data included authors and title of study, year of publication, study design (detail of randomization if the study was RCT), type of disease, study size, age and sex of the participants, type of cupping therapy, treatment process, detail of the control interventions, outcome (for example, total effective rate), and adverse effect for each study. Data diekstrak termasuk penulis dan judul penelitian, tahun publikasi, studi desain (detil pengacakan jika penelitian ini adalah RCT), jenis penyakit, ukuran studi, umur dan jenis kelamin peserta, jenis terapi cupping, proses pengobatan, detail intervensi kontrol, hasil (misalnya, tingkat efektif total), dan efek samping untuk studi masing-masing. All data were extracted from the published studies. Semua data yang diambil dari studi yang dipublikasikan.
Evidence from RCT is considered as gold standard for therapeutic evaluation, we specifically evaluate the methodological quality of RCT in this review. Bukti dari RCT dianggap sebagai standar emas untuk evaluasi terapi, kami secara khusus mengevaluasi kualitas metodologis RCT dalam tinjauan ini. Two authors (HJ Cao and M Han) evaluated the quality of included RCTs. Dua penulis (HJ Cao dan M Han) mengevaluasi kualitas RCT disertakan. Assessment of methodological quality of RCTs was carried out using criteria from the Cochrane Reviewers' Handbook Penilaian kualitas metodologis RCT dilakukan dengan menggunakan kriteria dari Penelaah Cochrane 'Handbook [ 5 ]. [ 5 ]. We assessed studies according to the risk of bias for each important outcome within included trials, including adequacy of generation of the allocation sequence, allocation concealment, blinding and outcome reporting. Kami menilai studi sesuai dengan risiko bias untuk setiap hasil yang penting dalam percobaan disertakan, termasuk kecukupan generasi urutan alokasi, alokasi penyembunyian, membutakan dan pelaporan hasil. The quality of all the included trials was categorized to low/unclear/high risk of bias. Kualitas dari semua percobaan termasuk dalam kategori ke rendah / risiko jelas / bias tinggi. Trials which met all criteria were categorized to low risk of bias, trials which met none of the criteria were categorized to high risk of bias, and other trials were categorized to unclear risk of bias if insufficient information acquired to make judgment. Ujian yang memenuhi semua kriteria kategori risiko rendah bias, tidak ada percobaan yang memenuhi kriteria yang dikategorikan risiko tinggi bias, dan persidangan lainnya dikategorikan risiko jelas bias jika diperoleh informasi yang cukup untuk membuat penilaian.

Data analysis and statistical methods Analisis data dan metode statistik

Data were extracted using Microsoft Access, and all the information and data were transferred into forms of Excel to be calculated for frequency. Data yang diambil menggunakan Microsoft Access, dan semua informasi dan data ditransfer ke bentuk Excel untuk dihitung untuk frekuensi. Data were summarized using risk ratio (RR) with 95% confidence intervals (CI) for binary outcomes or mean difference (MD) with 95% CI for continuous outcomes. Data diringkas menggunakan rasio risiko (RR) dengan 95% interval kepercayaan (CI) untuk hasil biner atau berarti perbedaan (MD) dengan 95% CI untuk hasil berkelanjutan. Revman5.0.20 software was used for data analyses. Revman5.0.20 perangkat lunak yang digunakan untuk analisis data. Meta-analysis was used if the trials had a good homogeneity on study design, participants, interventions, control, and outcome measures. Meta-analisis digunakan jika percobaan memiliki homogenitas yang baik pada desain studi, peserta, intervensi, kontrol, dan ukuran hasil. Publication bias was explored by funnel plot analysis. Publikasi bias yang dieksplorasi oleh saluran analisis plot.

Results Hasil

Basic information of studies Informasi dasar studi

After primary searches from six databases, 4696 citations were identified, and the majority was excluded due to obvious ineligibility from reading title/abstract, and full text papers of 550 studies were retrieved. Setelah pencarian utama dari enam database, 4696 kutipan diidentifikasi, dan mayoritas itu dikeluarkan karena tidak memenuhi syarat jelas dari judul membaca / kertas teks abstrak, dan penuh 550 studi yang diambil. At last, all of the 550 studies were included in this review, which included 525 studies published in Chinese, 1 study published in English, 20 unpublished conference papers and 4 unpublished dissertation papers Akhirnya, semua dari 550 penelitian termasuk dalam review ini, yang meliputi 525 penelitian yang diterbitkan dalam bahasa Cina, 1 penelitian yang diterbitkan dalam bahasa Inggris, 20 makalah konferensi yang tidak dipublikasikan dan 4 kertas disertasi tidak dipublikasikan [ 7 , 15 , 30 , 39 ] ( Figure [ 7 , 15 , 30 , 39 ] (Gambar 1 ). 1 ).
Semua meliputi studi yang diterbitkan antara tahun 1959 dan 2008, termasuk 73 RCT [ 6 - 78 ], 22 CCTs, 373 CSs, and 82 CRs. [ 6 - 78 ], 22 TTB, 373 CSS, dan 82 CR. 214 studies (38.9%) were published between 1999 and 2008, and the number of studies has increased over the course of five decades obviously ( Figure 214 studi (38,9%) diterbitkan antara tahun 1999 dan 2008, dan sejumlah studi telah meningkat selama lima dekade jelas (Gambar 2 ). 2 ). The first RCT published in 1993 and over half of the involved RCTs were reported between 2006 and 2008. Yang RCT pertama kali diterbitkan pada tahun 1993 dan lebih dari setengah dari RCT yang terlibat dilaporkan antara tahun 2006 dan 2008.

Deskripsi intervensi

Among all the included studies, 319 (58.0%) used bleeding cupping as the main intervention, 100 (18.2%) used retained cupping, 48 (8.7%) used moving cupping, 30 studies (5. 5%) used medicinal cupping, 7 (1.3%) used flash cupping, 5 (0.9%) used water cupping, and 3 (0.6%) used needle cupping, combined cupping which used at least two types of cupping methods was used in 38 studies (6.9%) ( Figure Di antara semua studi disertakan, 319 (58,0%) digunakan perdarahan cupping sebagai intervensi utama, 100 (18,2%) yang digunakan ditahan cupping, 48 (8,7%) yang digunakan bergerak cupping, 30 studi (5 5%.) Digunakan cupping obat, 7 (1,3%) digunakan flash cupping, 5 (0,9%) cupping air yang digunakan, dan 3 (0.6%) menggunakan jarum bekam, cupping gabungan yang digunakan setidaknya dua jenis metode cupping digunakan dalam 38 studi (6,9%) (Gambar 3 ). 3 ).

Distribusi penyakit / kondisi

More than 50 kinds of diseases or symptoms were treated by cupping therapy according to included studies. Lebih dari 50 jenis penyakit atau gejala yang diperlakukan oleh cupping terapi menurut studi disertakan. The top 20 diseases/conditions in which cupping is commonly employed were pain (70 studies), herpes zoster (59 studies), cough or asthma (39 studies), acne (29 studies), common cold (24 studies), urticaria (22 studies), lateral femoral cutaneous neuritis (21 studies), cervical spondylosis (19 studies), lumbar sprain (19 studies), scapulohumeral periarthritis (17 studies), mastitis (14 studies), facial paralysis (13 studies), Bi syndrome (Wind, cold and dampness invading the body, which is caused by changeable climate and alternate cold and heat, or dwelling in damp places, or wading, or being caught in the rain, and linger in channels and joints resulting in Bi syndrome as the result of stagnation of qi and blood, 13 studies), headache (13 studies), soft tissue injury (10 studies), arthritis (10 studies), neurodermatitis (10 studies), wound and sious (8 studies), sciatica (7 studies) and myofascitis (6 studies), 264 studies were concerned on other diseases treated by cupping therapy ( Figure 20 besar penyakit / kondisi di mana cupping umumnya digunakan adalah sakit (70 penelitian), herpes zoster (59 penelitian), batuk atau asma (39 penelitian), jerawat (29 penelitian), flu (24 penelitian), urtikaria (22 studi), kulit femoral lateral neuritis (21 penelitian), spondylosis serviks (19 penelitian), keseleo lumbal (19 penelitian), periarthritis scapulohumeral (17 penelitian), mastitis (14 penelitian), kelumpuhan wajah (13 penelitian), Bi sindrom (Angin , dingin dan kelembaban menyerang tubuh, yang disebabkan oleh iklim berubah dan alternatif dingin dan panas, atau tinggal di tempat-tempat lembab, atau rendam, atau terperangkap dalam hujan, dan berlama-lama di saluran dan sendi yang mengakibatkan sindrom Bi sebagai hasil dari stagnasi qi dan darah, 13 studi), sakit kepala (13 penelitian), cedera jaringan lunak (10 studi), arthritis (10 studi), neurodermatitis (10 studi), luka dan sious (8 studi), linu panggul (7 studi) dan myofascitis (6 studi), 264 studi khawatir tentang penyakit lainnya dirawat dengan terapi cupping (Gambar 4 ). 4 ).
Di antara 20 penyakit tertinggi dalam kajian ini, 12 di antaranya adalah rasa sakit yang terkait, termasuk nyeri otot kronis (100 studi, seperti nyeri pinggang, skelalgia, fibromyalgia, dll); sakit umum (93 studi, seperti keseleo lumbal, dll) ; infeksi sakit (59 studi, herpes zoster), dan nyeri neuralgia (20 studi, seperti sakit kepala dan linu panggul). Relieving pain was the main purpose of treating with cupping therapy of these studies. Menghilangkan rasa sakit adalah tujuan utama dari perawatan dengan terapi cupping studi ini. Retained cupping, moving cupping, or wet cupping therapy was usually used in these studies. Saldo cupping, bergerak cupping, atau terapi cupping basah biasanya digunakan dalam studi ini.
Beside pain, respiratory disease, such as common cold and symptom of cough and asthma are also treated by cupping therapy. Selain nyeri, penyakit pernafasan, seperti flu biasa dan gejala batuk dan asma juga diobati oleh terapi cupping. Common cold is caused by wind and cold pathogen according to TCM theory, moving cupping along Du meridian may regulate the qi , expelling wind and clearing away cold. Dingchuan (EX-B1) is an acupoint belonging to Extra Meridian, which is effective on relieving asthma and cough symptoms. Common dingin disebabkan oleh angin dan patogen dingin menurut teori TCM, bergerak sepanjang meridian Du cupping dapat mengatur qi, angin mengusir dan kliring pergi dingin). Dingchuan (EX-B1 adalah milik Acupoint Extra Meridian, yang berlaku efektif menghilangkan gejala asma dan batuk. Retained cupping or wet cupping therapy on Dingchuan is usually used on cough and asthma. Saldo basah cupping terapi atau cupping pada Dingchuan biasanya digunakan pada batuk dan asma.
Acne belongs to disorders of skin appendages, neurodermatitis and urticaria belong to disease of skin and subcutaneous tissue. Jerawat milik gangguan pelengkap kulit, neurodermatitis dan urtikaria milik penyakit kulit dan jaringan subkutan. All these three diseases may be caused by over heat in blood system according to TCM theory. Semua ketiga penyakit dapat disebabkan oleh lebih panas dalam sistem darah menurut teori TCM. Thereby, wet cupping therapy is popularly used for these diseases. Dengan demikian, terapi cupping basah yang populer digunakan untuk penyakit ini.
Facial paralysis is a kind of nerve root and plexus disorders, which belongs to disease of the nerve system. kelumpuhan wajah adalah sejenis akar saraf dan gangguan pleksus, yang termasuk penyakit sistem saraf. Flashing cupping and moving cupping are commonly used on this disease by regulating the circulation of qi and blood, expelling wind and clearing away cold, and channel meridians. Berkedip kop dan bergerak menangkupkan biasanya digunakan pada penyakit ini dengan mengatur sirkulasi qi dan darah, mengusir angin dan kliring pergi dingin, dan saluran meridian.
Mastitis is a kind of disease of the genitourinary system, is an inflammatory disorders of breast. Mastitis adalah sejenis penyakit sistem genitourinari, merupakan gangguan peradangan payudara. Wet cupping therapy is commonly used and acupoints belonged to liver meridian are always chosen for the blood-letting before cups retained. Terapi bekam basah biasanya digunakan dan acupoints milik meridian hati selalu dipilih untuk membiarkan darah-sebelum cangkir ditahan. Some of the studies also used retained cupping therapy on nipple to utilize the negative pressure to cause milk ejection, which is applied to patients with galactostasis. Beberapa studi juga digunakan saldo cupping terapi pada puting susu untuk menggunakan tekanan negatif menyebabkan ejeksi susu, yang diterapkan untuk pasien dengan galactostasis. The same theory is used for patients with wound and sious that retained cupping therapy may help discharge of pus. Teori yang sama digunakan untuk pasien dengan luka dan sious yang ditahan cupping terapi dapat membantu pembuangan nanah.
We also counted the number of studies of the top 20 diseases by study type between 1994 and 2008 ( Figure Kami juga menghitung jumlah studi tentang penyakit tertinggi 20 oleh jenis studi antara tahun 1994 dan 2008 (Gambar 5 ). 5 ).

Metodologis kualitas RCT

According to our pre-defined methodological quality criteria, no trial could be evaluated as low risk of bias, the majority of the 73 included trials were evaluated as high risk of bias (Table Menurut kriteria yang telah ditetapkan kami kualitas metodologi, sidang tidak dapat dievaluasi sebagai risiko rendah bias, mayoritas dari 73 percobaan termasuk dievaluasi sebagai risiko tinggi bias (Tabel 1 : Reporting of five quality components in randomized clinical trials on cupping therapy). 1 : Pelaporan lima komponen kualitas dalam uji klinis secara acak pada terapi cupping). None of the trials reported sample size calculation, 15 trials described randomization procedures (such as random number table or computer generated random numbers), but none of them reported allocation concealment. Tak satu pun dari percobaan melaporkan perhitungan ukuran sampel, 15 percobaan yang dijelaskan prosedur pengacakan (seperti tabel nomor acak atau komputer dihasilkan angka acak), tetapi tidak satupun dari mereka melaporkan penyembunyian alokasi. Three trials mentioned blinding, but only one trial reported that they blinded outcome assessors, the other two trials did not report who were blinded. Tiga uji coba disebutkan menyilaukan, tetapi hanya satu percobaan melaporkan bahwa mereka buta penilai hasil, dua lainnya tidak melaporkan percobaan yang telah menjadi buta. Two trials reported the number of dropouts, but none of them used intention-to-treat analysis. Dua uji coba melaporkan jumlah putus sekolah, namun tidak satupun dari mereka digunakan niat-to-treat.

Table 1 Tabel 1

Reporting of five quality components in randomized clinical trials on cupping therapy Pelaporan lima komponen kualitas dalam uji klinis secara acak pada terapi cupping
Published year Diterbitkan tahun
No. of Randomized controlled trials Jumlah percobaan terkontrol Acak
(N) (N)
Adequate sequence generation Urutan generasi yang memadai
(n/N %) (N /% N)
Adequate allocation concealment Alokasi yang memadai penyembunyian
(n/N %) (N /% N)
Blinding method reported Metode membutakan dilaporkan
(n/N %) (N /% N)
Incomplete outcome data (yes) Lengkap hasil data (ya)
(n/N %) (N /% N)
Other sources of bias (yes) Sumber lain bias (ya)
(n/N %) (N /% N)

1993-2002 1993-2002
6 6
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
6(100%) 6 (100%)

2003 2003
5 5
1(20%) 1 (20%)
0 0
0 0
0 0
3(60%) 3 (60%)

2004 2004
9 9
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
3(33.33%) 3 (33.33%)

2005 2005
8 8
2(25%) 2 (25%)
0 0
1(12.5%) 1 (12.5%)
0 0
2(25%) 2 (25%)

2006 2006
16 16
3(18.75%) 3 (18,75%)
0 0
1(6.25%) 1 (6,25%)
1(6.25%) 1 (6,25%)
2(12.5%) 2 (12.5%)

2007 2007
13 13
4(30.72%) 4 (30,72%)
0 0
1(7.67%) 1 (7,67%)
1(7.69%) 1 (7,69%)
4(30.77%) 4 (30,77%)

2008 2008
12 12
5(41.67%) 5 (41,67%)
0 0
0 0
0 0
1(8.33%) 1 (8,33%)

Cao et al. BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2010 10 :70 doi:10.1186/1472-6882-10-70 Cao et al: Pelengkap dan Alternatif BMC. Medicine 2010 10 70 DOI: 10.1186/1472-6882-10-70
Ada 48 (65,8%) percobaan dilaporkan komparabilitas data baseline, 18 (24,7%) percobaan ditentukan kriteria inklusi, 17 (23,3%) percobaan ditentukan kriteria eksklusi dan 48 (65,8%) percobaan menggambarkan kriteria diagnostik. 67 (91.8%) trials reported the efficacy standard, but 51 (69.9%) out of 73 trials used composite outcome measure which categorized the effect of the treatment into four grades (cured, markedly effective, effective, ineffective) according to the change of the symptoms, the remaining 16 trials (21.9%) used single outcome measure for therapeutic effect. 67 (91,8%) percobaan dilaporkan standar efikasi, tapi 51 (69,9%) dari 73 percobaan digunakan untuk mengukur hasil komposit yang dikategorikan pengaruh perlakuan menjadi empat kelas (sembuh, nyata efektif, efektif, tidak efektif) sesuai dengan perubahan gejala, 16 sisa uji (21,9%) digunakan untuk mengukur hasil tunggal untuk efek terapeutik. Symptoms were commonly used as outcome measurements, which were applied in 34 (46.6%) trials. Gejala yang umum digunakan sebagai hasil pengukuran, yang diterapkan di 34 (46,6%) percobaan.

Estimate effects of RCTs with cupping Perkiraan dampak dari RCT dengan menangkupkan

Due to the insufficient RCTs and the variations in study quality, participants, intervention, control and outcome measures of the included RCTs, the results of most of the studies could not be synthesized by quantitative method. Karena tidak cukup RCT dan variasi dalam kualitas penelitian, peserta, intervensi, kontrol dan ukuran hasil dari RCT disertakan, hasil sebagian besar studi tidak dapat disintesis dengan metode kuantitatif. Though most of the studies showed that cupping therapy was significant effective on certain diseases, the interpretation of the positive findings from the individual studies need to be incorporated with the clinical characteristics of the included studies and evidence strength. Meskipun kebanyakan studi menunjukkan bahwa terapi cupping signifikan efektif pada penyakit tertentu, interpretasi temuan positif dari studi individu perlu dimasukkan dengan karakteristik klinis dari studi disertakan dan kekuatan bukti. Therefore, the conclusion of the beneficial effect of cupping therapy needs to be confirmed in large and rigorously designed RCTs. Oleh karena itu, kesimpulan dari efek menguntungkan dari cupping terapi harus dikonfirmasi di RCT besar dan dirancang ketat.
We conducted a systematic review Kami melakukan kajian sistematis [ 80 ] (in press) of 8 RCTs to evaluate therapeutic effect of wet cupping therapy for herpes zoster, the meta-analyses showed that wet cupping was superior to medications for the number of cured patients (RR 2.49, 95%CI 1.91 to 3.24, p < 0.00001), the number of patients with improved symptom (RR 1.15, 95%CI 1.05 to 1.26, p = 0.003), and the incidence rate of post-herpetic neuralgia (RR 0.06, 95%CI 0.02 to 0.25, p = 0.0001). [ 80 ] (di pers) dari 8 RCT untuk mengevaluasi efek terapi terapi cupping basah untuk herpes zoster, meta-analisis menunjukkan bahwa bekam basah lebih unggul daripada obat untuk jumlah penderita sembuh (RR 2,49, 95% CI 1,91-3,24 , p <0,00001), jumlah pasien dengan gejala membaik (RR 1,15, 95% CI 1,05-1,26, p = 0,003), dan tingkat insiden neuralgia pasca-herpes (RR 0,06, 95% CI 0,02-0,25, p = 0,0001). Combination of wet cupping and medications was significantly better than medications alone on number of cured patients (RR 1.93, 95%CI 1.23 to 3.04, p = 0.005), but no difference in symptom improvement (RR 1.00, 95%CI 0.92 to 1.08, p = 0.98). Kombinasi bekam basah dan obat-obatan secara signifikan lebih baik daripada obat sendirian di jumlah pasien sembuh (RR 1,93, 95% CI 1,23-3,04, p = 0,005), tetapi ada perbedaan dalam perbaikan gejala (RR 1,00, 95% CI 0,92-1,08, p = 0,98).
We also conducted a systematic review Kami juga melakukan kajian sistematis [ 81 ] of RCTs to evaluate the therapeutic effect of TCM therapies for fibromyalgia, only 3 trials [ 81 ] dari RCT untuk mengevaluasi efek terapi terapi TCM untuk fibromyalgia, hanya 3 percobaan [ 82 - 84 ] on cupping therapy were included in the review according to the inclusion criteria, and two of them could be conducted in meta-analysis according to VAS (Visual Analogue Scale) and HAMD (Hamilton Depression Scale) scores after treatment. [ 82 - 84 ] pada terapi cupping yang termasuk dalam kajian sesuai dengan kriteria inklusi, dan dua dari mereka bisa dilakukan dalam meta-analisis sesuai dengan VAS (Visual Analog Scale) dan Hamd (Hamilton Depression Skala) skor setelah perawatan. These sub-analysis of 2 out of 25 trials showed that compared to medications alone, cupping therapy combined with acupuncture plus medications was significantly better on pain relieving (MD -1.66, 95%CI -2.14 to -1.19, p < 0.00001) and depression remission (MD -4.92, 95%CI -6.49 to -3.34, p < 0.00001). Sub-analisis 2 dari 25 percobaan menunjukkan bahwa dibandingkan dengan obat saja, cupping terapi kombinasi dengan akupunktur plus obat secara signifikan lebih baik dalam menghilangkan rasa sakit (MD -1,66, 95% CI -2,14 sampai -1,19, p <0,00001) dan depresi pengampunan (MD -4,92, 95% CI -6,49 sampai -3,34, p <0,00001).
Serious adverse effects were not reported in any of the trial publications. efek samping yang serius tidak dilaporkan dalam salah satu publikasi pengadilan.
According to our findings, clinical studies on cupping therapy were obviously improved either on number or quality during the last 50 years. Menurut temuan kami, studi klinis pada terapi cupping itu jelas ditingkatkan baik pada jumlah atau kualitas selama 50 tahun terakhir. Though the methodological quality of the included RCTs were generally poor, some quality items showed that it was improved during the last 10 years, such as the number of the RCTs which reported the sequence generation of randomization (Table Meskipun kualitas metodologi dari RCT disertakan pada umumnya miskin, beberapa item kualitas menunjukkan bahwa itu membaik selama 10 tahun terakhir, seperti jumlah RCT yang dilaporkan generasi urutan acak (Tabel 1 : Reporting of five quality components in randomized clinical trials on cupping therapy). 1 : Pelaporan lima komponen kualitas dalam uji klinis secara acak pada terapi cupping).
But we should wake up to that these studies leave much scope for well designed, conducted and reported trials. Tetapi kita harus bangun dengan studi-studi ini meninggalkan banyak ruang untuk percobaan dirancang dengan baik, dilakukan dan dilaporkan. We included 550 clinical studies in this review, only 73 RCTs were published in the last two decades, 78.1% of these RCTs were with high risk of bias. Kami menyertakan 550 studi klinis dalam tinjauan ini, hanya 73 RCT diterbitkan dalam dua dekade terakhir, 78,1% dari RCT adalah dengan risiko tinggi bias. According to the Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials (CONSORT) Menurut Standar Pelaporan Konsolidasi Ujian (permaisuri) [ 85 ], randomization methods need to be clearly described and fully reported. [ 85 ], metode pengacakan perlu diuraikan secara jelas dan sepenuhnya dilaporkan. Although blinding of the cupping therapy might be very difficult, blinding of outcome assessors and statistics should be attempted as much as possible to minimize performance and assessment biases. Meskipun membutakan dari terapi cupping mungkin sangat sulit, membutakan asesor hasil dan statistik harus berusaha sebisa mungkin untuk meminimalkan bias kinerja dan penilaian. Sample size calculation and analysis of outcomes based on intention-to-treat principle are important. Ukuran sampel perhitungan dan analisis hasil berdasarkan tujuan-to-treat prinsip penting. Similar to acupuncture, cupping therapy is a kind of treatment which relevant to meridian and acupoints, so researchers may consult to the standard of STRICTA Serupa dengan akupunktur, cupping terapi adalah jenis perawatan yang relevan dengan meridian dan titik akupuntur, sehingga peneliti dapat berkonsultasi dengan standar STRICTA [ 86 ] on trial report, which means details of cupping treatment should be reported, such as type of cups, experience of the practitioners, period and frequency of the treatment. [ 86 ] pada laporan percobaan, yang berarti rincian cupping pengobatan harus dilaporkan, seperti jenis cangkir, pengalaman masa, praktisi dan frekuensi pengobatan.
About one third of the included RCTs did not report the diagnostic criteria, 63.0% of the RCTs did not report the criteria of inclusion and exclusion, and the use of composite outcome measures in 51 (69.9%) trials to evaluate overall improvement of symptoms, all the issues limit the generalization of the findings. Sekitar sepertiga dari RCT termasuk tidak melaporkan kriteria diagnostik, 63,0% dari RCT tidak melaporkan kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi, dan penggunaan ukuran hasil komposit di 51 (69,9%) percobaan untuk mengevaluasi perbaikan keseluruhan gejala, semua masalah membatasi generalisasi temuan. The classification of "cure", "markedly effective", "effective" or "ineffective" is not internationally recognized, and it is hard to interpret the effect. Klasifikasi "menyembuhkan", "nyata efektif", "efektif" atau "tidak efektif" tidak diakui secara internasional, dan sulit untuk menafsirkan efek. All of the above uncertain items may increase the clinical heterogeneity. Semua item yang tidak menentu atas dapat meningkatkan heterogenitas klinis. We suggest future trials completely report all the criteria they chose and comply with international standards in the evaluation of treatment effect. Kami menyarankan masa percobaan benar-benar melaporkan semua kriteria mereka memilih dan memenuhi standar internasional dalam evaluasi efek pengobatan.
We searched PubMed database using the above searching strategy, only 2 RCTs were published by international researchers outside of China until 2008. Kami telah mencari basisdata PubMed menggunakan strategi pencarian di atas, hanya 2 RCT yang dipublikasikan oleh peneliti internasional di luar Cina sampai 2008. One tested wet cupping therapy on serum lipid concentrations Satu diuji terapi bekam basah pada konsentrasi lipid serum [ 87 ], which concluded that wet cupping may be an effective method of reducing LDL cholesterol in men and consequently may have a preventive effect against atherosclerosis. [ 87 ], yang menyimpulkan bahwa bekam basah dapat menjadi metode yang efektif untuk mengurangi kolesterol LDL pada pria dan akibatnya mungkin memiliki efek pencegahan terhadap aterosklerosis. Another study tested wet cupping therapy for nocturnal brachialgia paraesthetica Studi lain diuji terapi cupping basah untuk paraesthetica brachialgia nokturnal [ 88 ], which suggested short-term effects of a single wet cupping therapy. [ 88 ], yang menunjukkan efek jangka pendek dari terapi bekam basah tunggal. Meanwhile, two further RCTs with cupping originating outside China have been published after 2008, demonstrating increasing interest in this field. Sementara itu, dua RCT lebih lanjut dengan cupping yang berasal dari luar China telah diterbitkan setelah 2008, menunjukkan peningkatan minat dalam bidang ini. One trial Satu sidang [ 89 ] found that traditional wet-cupping care was significantly more effective in reducing bodily pain than usual care at 3-month follow-up with satisfactory safety and acceptance to patients with nonspecific low back pain. [ 89 ] menemukan bahwa perawatan basah-cupping tradisional secara signifikan lebih efektif dalam mengurangi nyeri tubuh dari perawatan biasa di 3-bulan follow up dengan keselamatan memuaskan dan penerimaan terhadap pasien dengan nyeri punggung rendah spesifik. Another trial sidang lain [ 90 ] investigated the effectiveness of cupping therapy with the conclusion that cupping therapy may be effective in relieving pain and other symptoms related to carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS), however, the efficacy of cupping in the long-term management of CTS and related mechanisms remains to be clarified. [ 90 ] meneliti efektivitas cupping terapi dengan kesimpulan bahwa terapi cupping mungkin efektif dalam mengurangi rasa sakit dan gejala lain yang berhubungan dengan carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS), namun, efektivitas cupping dalam pengelolaan jangka panjang CTS dan mekanisme terkait masih harus diklarifikasi. We are glad to see that these trials are apparently with good methodological quality, however, though most of the clinical trials showed positive results on therapeutic effect of cupping therapy, the appropriate duration of the cupping therapy, the syndrome differentiation for acupoints selection, and the frequency of the cupping therapy were unclear according to current evidence. Kami senang untuk melihat bahwa percobaan ini adalah ternyata dengan kualitas metodologi yang baik, bagaimanapun, meskipun sebagian besar uji klinis menunjukkan hasil positif pada efek terapi cupping terapi, durasi yang tepat dari terapi cupping, diferensiasi sindrom seleksi acupoints, dan frekuensi terapi cupping tidak jelas menurut bukti saat ini. Future studies should address these issues. Studi masa depan harus mengatasi masalah ini.
This review suggests that there is insufficient high-quality evidence to support the use of cupping therapy on relevant diseases. Tinjauan ini menunjukkan bahwa ada bukti berkualitas tinggi tidak cukup untuk mendukung penggunaan cupping terapi pada penyakit yang relevan. Although quite a number of clinical studies reported that cupping therapy may have effect on pain conditions, herpes zoster, symptoms of cough and asthma, acne, common cold, or other common diseases. Meskipun cukup banyak studi klinis melaporkan bahwa terapi cupping dapat berpengaruh terhadap kondisi sakit, herpes zoster, gejala batuk dan asma, jerawat, pilek, atau penyakit umum lainnya. The current evidence is not sufficient to allow recommendation for clinical use of cupping therapy for the treatment of above diseases of any etiology in people of any age group. Bukti saat ini tidak cukup untuk memungkinkan rekomendasi untuk penggunaan klinis terapi cupping untuk pengobatan penyakit di atas dari setiap etiologi pada orang dari setiap kelompok usia. The long-term effect of cupping therapy is not known, but use of cupping is generally safe based on long term clinical use and reports from the reviewed clinical studies. Efek jangka panjang dari terapi cupping tidak diketahui, tetapi penggunaan cupping umumnya aman berdasarkan penggunaan klinis jangka panjang dan laporan dari studi klinis ditinjau.
The number of RCTs on treatment using cupping therapy is scarce in terms of a specific disease. Jumlah RCT pada pengobatan dengan menggunakan terapi cupping langka dalam hal penyakit tertentu. Existing trials are of small size and low methodological quality. percobaan yang ada adalah ukuran kecil dan kualitas metodologi rendah. Further high quality studies of larger sample size are needed to assess the effectiveness of cupping therapy. Studi lebih lanjut kualitas tinggi ukuran sampel yang lebih besar diperlukan untuk menilai efektivitas terapi cupping. It might be worthwhile to examine the effectiveness of cupping therapy or combination of cupping therapy with other non-pharmacological or pharmacological treatments for pain conditions, herpes zoster, symptoms of cough and asthma, acne, common cold, or other common diseases which were most treated by cupping therapy according to this review. Mungkin berguna untuk mengetahui efektivitas terapi cupping atau kombinasi dari cupping terapi dengan perawatan non-farmakologis atau farmakologis lainnya untuk kondisi sakit, herpes zoster, gejala batuk dan asma, jerawat, pilek, atau penyakit umum lainnya yang paling diperlakukan oleh cupping terapi sesuai dengan review ini. In addition, the methodological quality should be improved, and the study design and report should also be standardized. Selain itu, kualitas metodologi harus ditingkatkan, dan desain studi dan laporan juga harus standar. The protocol of the study should be registered in authoritative organizations Protokol penelitian harus didaftarkan dalam organisasi otoritatif [ 91 ], such as WHO International Clinical Trial Registration Platform (WHO ICTRP). [ 91 ], seperti WHO International Clinical Trial Pendaftaran Platform (WHO ICTRP).
Competing interests Bersaing kepentingan
The authors declare that they have no competing interests. Para penulis menyatakan bahwa mereka tidak memiliki kepentingan bersaing.
Authors' contributions Penulis Kontribusi
HC participated in the design of the study, searched studies, participated in extracted data, assessed study quality, analyzed data, performed the statistical analysis and drafted the manuscript. HC berpartisipasi dalam desain penelitian, mencari studi, berpartisipasi dalam data yang diambil, kualitas studi dinilai, menganalisis data, melakukan analisis statistik dan menyusun naskah. MH participated in extracted data, assessed study quality. MH berpartisipasi dalam data yang diambil, dinilai kualitas pembelajaran. XL co-developed the full text of the review. XL-co mengembangkan teks lengkap dari pemeriksaan. SD, YS, QW, SX participated in searched literature, identified clinical studies for inclusion and extracted data. SD, YS, QW, SX berpartisipasi dalam mencari literatur, diidentifikasi studi klinis untuk dimasukkan dan data diekstraksi. JL conceived of the study, and participated in its design and coordination, co-developed the full text of the review and is the corresponding author. JL dikandung penelitian, dan berpartisipasi dalam desain dan koordinasi, dikembangkan bersama teks lengkap tinjauan dan adalah penulis yang sesuai.
Acknowledgements Ucapan Terima Kasih
Huijuan Cao and Jianping Liu were supported by a grant from the National Basic Research Program of China ('973' Program, No. 2006CB504602), the grant of international cooperation project (No. 2009DFA31460) and the 111 Project (B08006) from China. Huijuan Cao dan Liu Jianping didukung oleh hibah dari National Program Penelitian Dasar Cina (Program '973 ', 2006CB504602 No), pemberian proyek kerjasama internasional (2009DFA31460 No) dan 111 Proyek (B08006) dari Cina. Jianping Liu was in part supported by the Grant Number R24 AT001293 from the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) of the US National Institutes of Health. Jianping Liu sebagian didukung oleh AT001293 Nomor Grant R24 dari Pusat Nasional untuk Pelengkap dan Pengobatan Alternatif (NCCAM) dari US National Institutes of Health.
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